Show Notes

“If you look around a classroom of 25 to 30 students, you can count on 16 to 20 of them have experienced at least one ACE.” — Erin Yezbick

More and more our students are coming to us educators with some type of experience that has caused trauma in their lives. Christian schools and students are no exception. Although trauma can be difficult to identify and to address, we can learn empowering tools from Jenny’s guest, Erin Yezbick, ACE Master Trainer and Grief Recovery Specialist. Join them on this episode to discuss this important topic of how to deal with the effects of trauma in our students through offering grace, understanding, and emotional security for every child.  

Jenny and Erin dive into:

  • Understanding ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the different categories, including household dysfunction, neglect, and abuse
  • Uncovering the seemingly sheltered environment of Christian schools and how we can accommodate students with ACEs
  • Implementing strategies for empowering and connecting with students influenced by trauma
  • Creating an emotionally safe space by becoming the thermostat in the room, not the thermometer

Throughout this conversation, Erin helps raise awareness for us as educators to recognize students with traumatic experiences and those who may be suffering in silence. As Christian educators, we have the opportunity to speak truth in each of these students’ lives — that they are not alone and that they are loved by their teachers and principals and by a kind, all-knowing, all-powerful God who loves them individually. God will never leave them and will always be the rock they can run to.  

Every day in the classroom is YOUR day to impact and inspire through God’s power and grace working in you. 

Go do what God has called you to do!

“But what they’re really saying is, I can trust you with my emotions. If I’m having a really bad day, I want you there.” — Erin Yezbick

About Our Guest

Erin Yezbick

Erin has been an educator for over two decades. She is an ACE Master Trainer for the state of South Carolina, an assessment specialist through James Madison University, and a Grief Recovery Specialist. She regularly speaks to teachers about trauma in the classroom, rigor, assessment, and accreditation. She also serves as a consultant, research designer, and professional development speaker for Christian schools. She is passionate about helping Christian education update and improve to meet the needs of the newest generation of students.

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